Data Wrangling
Data Wrangling: Anything that goes from one piece of data to another representation of data.
massage data until you end up with exactly what you wanted
Preparation to Data Wrangling
- data to wrangle
- useful tools to do with data
Useful Tools
Regular Expressions
Common patterns for regular expressions:
: any single character*
: zero or more of the preceding match+
: one or more of the preceding match[abc]
: any one character of a,b and c(RX1|RX2)
: either something that matches RX1 or RX2^
: the start of the line$
: the end of the line
something need to be kept in mind : +
and *
are default greedy, it means that it will find the max match. In some implementations, we can suffix *
with a ?
to make them non-greedy. But sed doesn’t support it. So we could switch to perl’s command-line mode to do this:
1 | perl -pe 's/.*?Disconnected from//' |
a stream editor: you give short commands for how to modify the file. The most common command is
: substitution.s command:
, REGEX is the regular expression you want to search for.note: we should pass
to give them their special meaningget username out of the log file:
use what called capture group
1 | cat ssh.log |
- sed can do a lot of interesting things: injecting text, printing lines and selecting lines by index( check
man sed
for more info)
- can be useful when the content has numerical attributes
- for example, find the most common usernames, -n means sorting in numeric order.
1 | cat ssh.log |
awk & paste
- if we want to extract only the usernames as a comma-separated list:
1 | cat ssh.log |
paste -sd,
means combine lines (-s) by delimiter(-d),
further link to learn more: here
awk is a nice programming language that is good at processing text streams.
- if we want to compute the number of single-use username that start with c and end with e:
1 | | awk '$1 == 1 && $2 ~ /^c[^ ]*e$/ {print $2}' | wc -l |
- of course we can use another way to do the same thing:
1 | awk 'BEGIN {rows=0} $1 == 1 && $2 ~ /^c[^ ]*e$/ {rows += $1} END {print rows}' |
Data Analysis
a calculator that can read from stdin
专注于数据分析和画图的语言(it is not that difficult. Try to have fun!)
可以制作复杂的图表. demo: https://gnuplot.sourceforge.net/demo_5.4/
- Post title:MIT课程笔记: Notes on Missing semester 03
- Post author:sixwalter
- Create time:2023-08-05 11:14:26
- Post link:https://coelien.github.io/2023/08/05/course-learning/MIT-Missing-Semester/note03-data_wrangling/
- Copyright Notice:All articles in this blog are licensed under BY-NC-SA unless stating additionally.